新闻 11月12日


  • Mitie已经推出了 零计划剧本,这是一本逐步实现净零碳排放的指南
  • The Playbook reveals 的 ‘A to E’ five step process to support businesses in driving decarbonisation action plan
  • Developed using Mitie’s in-house experts and based on proven sustainability achievements

下周, 11月16日起, 标志着COP26在格拉斯哥的启动, its postponement to 2021 hasn’t prevented businesses from focusing on reaching 的ir sustainability targets. 对于那些希望以更环保的方式重建的组织, Mitie has launched its new step-by-step guide to reaching net zero carbon emissions, 的 零计划剧本.

以下五个阶段, “从A到E流程”, 该手册旨在向企业展示, 大或小, 如何制定切实可行的行动计划来实现脱碳. 这个过程形成了一个循环, 企业在实现零排放的任何阶段都可以参与其中吗, 从设定目标开始, 发展战略, 通过支持执行.

The guide has been developed based on Mitie’s own experience setting its Plan Zero commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2025, 的 development of its strategy and now 的 execution of 的 plan by a team of Mitie’s in-house experts. 由于这种第一手的经验和专业知识,其能源, 工程, 舰队, 景观及废物处理小组, Mitie is uniquely placed to support o的r businesses looking to achieve net zero, by working with 的m to implement 的 A-E Plan Zero process – no matter where 的y are on 的ir journey.

Mitie已经为其客户取得了显著的成果. 例如, 米蒂的能源团队节省了300多美元,在2019/20财政年度减少000吨碳排放, 相当于370的能量,1万户一年. By shifting its approach to reducing resources entering businesses in 的 first place, Mitie 浪费 has slashed 的 volume of waste its customers send to landfill by over 92,每年1000吨. Meanwhile, by turning food waste into fuel it provides over 12,000 homes a year with electricity.



在设定任何目标之前, it is vital to undertake an assessment of 的 current net zero progress, 可用的工具和数据, 确定项目的相关内部干系人. This stage can also determine any skills, resource or data gaps in 的 business. 一旦完成, a Plan Zero taskforce can be formed to galvanise internal teams and drive each project forward.


零计划是通过设定一系列雄心勃勃的目标来推动的, 有可实现的目标, 涵盖业务运作的各个方面. Establishing baseline data and comparing this against 行业 leaders provides 的 context to set ambitious net zero targets. Once agreed, 的se goals can 的n feed into an overarching strategy, such as Mitie’s Plan Zero.


而米蒂则鼓励企业走得更远, 快, 法律要求一定的可持续性和报告标准. 超越法规, attaining certification demonstrates to stakeholders that businesses take 的ir Environmental, Social and 公司治理 (环境、社会和治理) performance seriously which is increasingly important in 的 current environment.


一旦打下了基础, 企业应该制定切实可行的计划来实现其目标. 这些建议应得到详细的筹资建议的支持, 在很多情况下, 能否开发出以零成本实现零碳排放的技术, by focusing on solutions with quick pay backs and ordering activities in a way that allows savings to be reinvested back into 的 programme. 这就产生了滚雪球效应, 为脱碳释放越来越多的投资, 随着储蓄的增长. These savings can also be used to fund o的r sustainability initiatives, 比如促进生物多样性的项目.


与详细的计划达成一致, its’ time to put words into action by executing 的 strategy to achieve net zero. 尽管企业将遵循一个特定的战略, 怎么执行还没定下来吗. 事实上, 该计划应根据外部因素随时间变化而变化, such as new 科技nology developments or changes to how buildings are being used. 很多企业都设定了5个目标, 十个, 甚至是20年后, 的re’s likely to be many opportunities to reassess 的 plan and make it even more ambitious.

鉴于Mitie广泛的专业知识, it is able to provide support to businesses whatever stage of 的 process 的y are at.

Pradyumna Pandit, Managing Director, Sustainability and Energy Services, Mitie, said:

“Ambitious sustainability targets are meaningless without an action plan to make 的m a reality. 我们很自豪能在Mitie做到这一点, with a tangible plan of attack to meet our own net zero carbon target by 2025, 但我们知道,我们无法单独解决气候危机.

“实现净零排放的旅程似乎是艰巨的, with every business following its own path and tackling different challenges along 的 way. 然而,帮助就在眼前. By sharing our 零计划剧本 and offering our ex十个sive expertise to o的r businesses, 我们可以一起实现零排放.”

庆祝零计划手册的启动, Mitie will be speaking at 的 Sustainable Innovation Forum on Thursday 19 November. 欲了解更多信息和注册,请访问 可持续创新论坛网站.

业务es wanting to download 的ir free copy of 的 Mitie 零计划剧本 can visit


新闻 2020年6月17日

Mitie launches new service helping businesses reach Zero Carbon for Zero Cost

As 的 nation prepares to get Britain Back to 业务 and lockdown restrictions begin to ease, organisations across 的 UK are considering how 的y can prepare for a ‘new normal’ way of operating. 支持那些计划重返工作岗位的人, Mitie Energy has launched a new Zero Carbon for Zero Cost service to help businesses drive a green recovery, as part of its Plan Zero commitment to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2025.
