洞察力 2022年7月31日


Learn how Mitie uses 科技nologies to provide live facility management insight to enhance connected workspaces.

Work is a major part of most people’s lives, second only to our families in importance. The quality of our 工作场所 makes a huge difference to our wellbeing and our productivity. So, 你的工作环境对日常工作有帮助吗, 激发创造力, or does it just add to the stress and have a negative impact on employee satisfaction?

工作环境与设计, 以及它们对我们的影响, 是哪些因素吸引了更多的关注, 特别是关于 混合动力工作. 工作场所的作用, 以及科技如何提高生产力和同事体验, 是Mitie澳博官方网站的核心.

作为一家领先的设施管理和支持澳博官方网站公司, 我们把技术创新和人放在我们工作的核心. 我们澳博官方网站的核心是“互联工作空间”的概念。.

Workspace design can make a huge difference to employee wellbeing and productivity


互联工作空间是一个决定性的举措, 超越传统设施管理, towards more productive ways of working using 科技nology to enhance the environment.

Mitie的连接工作区 使用人工智能和机器学习来提供可操作的见解, 提高资产绩效, 优化资源,提升工作体验. 集成技术, 比如利用和占用传感器, 是否能协助制定策略性决策,以改善物业管理. It can also inform a redesign of the physical space using smart 科技nology to make sure it meets the needs of colleagues in today’s new world.

Modern commercial buildings, and the facilities in them, generate huge amounts of data. The innovative 科技nology hub, that is Mitie的连接工作区, puts it to good use.


  • 数据分析和洞察
  • 人工智能,增强现实和机器学习
  • 促进工作体验的应用程序
  • 利用物联网进行数字监控

We can look at some of these to see how they work together to enhance the modern working environment.

How we use 工作场所 科技nology to boost the efficiencies of the modern workspace


在工作场所, environmental and utilisation sensors are working remotely behind the scenes, 24/7, 监测舒适程度, 脚步声趋势, 以及房间和占用情况.

我们的分析师团队, 数据科学家和工程师, 实时数据分析, 确定长期趋势和机会,以加强工作空间. 我们得到的数据导向的见解, 融入空间的表现, inform the optimisation measures that improve the 工作场所 experience and save our clients time and money.


Through the intelligent use of environmental sensors and data analytics, Mitie为一个主要的赛车客户提高了生产率, by 5%. We applied the same data-focused approach to their facilities management as they do to managing their racing teams. We did a full survey to find out how their 270 occupants used the facilities. We then installed more than 440 sensors to remotely monitor environmental factors including noise and light levels, 温度, 空气质量, 运动和占用. 数据分析确认了近200项违反舒适政策的行为. By fixing those issues we improved the comfort levels and enhanced the 工作场所 experience for employees, 生产力提高了5%. As a result of the remote monitoring, we were also able to reduce their annual 能源 costs by 3.4%.


The data gathered by the analytics process is used to train autonomous systems that can learn and adapt to changing circumstances. 通过机器学习增强的系统示例包括:

  • 监控空间以优化加热和冷却, 提高舒适度, and promote efficiencies in terms of 能源 savings and required resources.
  • 夜间自动操作的清洁机器人, 或者当工作场所没人的时候, 补充清洁制度和 加强工作场所卫生.
  • 综合订房系统, 可以通过每个房间外的触摸屏或移动应用程序访问, 协助会议后勤及场地管理.
  • Predictive applications that study utilisation trends and predict future office requirements.
  • Estate scenario planning using integrated 工作场所 management systems to plan major relocations and optimise building use.


Our digital 工作场所 科技nology includes tools that help employees manage their working day and help businesses to gather feedback on how employees feel about their 工作场所.

咏叹调, our 工作场所 app, makes it easier for employees to organise their day and manage their workspace. 使用应用程序, 他们可以检查一下桌子是否空着, 还有预订空间, 在去办公室之前,在那里点些茶点. 他们可以记录设备故障并在现场报告事故, 就像危险的泄漏, 并迅速找到大楼其他地方的人.

员工 can use the 咏叹调 app to book spaces, report incidents or order refreshments

, 我们的工作效率测量工具, measures how staff 体验工作场所 and what impact that might have on their wellbeing and effectiveness. It gives employees an opportunity to have their say on how they use the spaces in their building and how they feel when using them.

该工具还显示了不同的组, 比如那些有性别的人, 以种族或残疾为重点, 体验工作场所. This helps employers to deepen their understanding of how they can improve their approach to diversity and inclusion by understanding the contribution the physical workspace can play. 通过使用球,我们的团队帮助了一个客户 确定工作场所的改进 needed to enhance the wellbeing of their diverse workforce and positively impact their productivity.


Mitie是英国最大的设施管理公司之一. We have unparalleled experience in using data-led 科技nology to remotely monitor assets, 环境系统, to optimise operational performance and enhance the 工作场所 experience.

我们的数字工作场所技术是我们的核心组成部分 全面转型 科学澳博官方网站®产品. Our team of workspace specialists use the latest 科技nologies to create truly connected and people-centred workspaces.

问现在 to see how your colleagues can benefit from Mitie的连接工作区 services and maintain a 工作场所 that enhances wellbeing and productivity.

