News 19 January 2023


  • Mitie has gathered insights from its decarbonisation experts, to share predictions and advice for what 2023 has in store
  • 这个专家建议将帮助组织减少碳排放, save money and secure their energy supply in 2023 and beyond
  • Subjects include the rising demand for green energy, 在组织的净零战略中使用人工智能, and the accelerating race to decarbonise fleets

Mitie, the UK’s leading facilities management company, 今天发表了最新的脱碳见解论文: Net Zero Navigator 2023. Throughout the paper, Mitie的脱碳专家分享了他们对未来一年的预测, covering a range of areas including energy, e-mobility, waste and landscapes.

Mitie的专家分享了领先于人群的建议,以确保电动汽车和太阳能的电网连接, how to take a wildlife-aware approach to landscaping, 以及挖掘人工智能来提高建筑性能的方法. Features include:

  1. 对现场太阳能的需求激增将造成供应瓶颈: With current volatility in the energy market, 现场太阳能发电是一种具有成本效益和面向未来的解决方案,可以确保价格和供应. As the demand for green energy increases, 企业不应等待成本上升,因为企业竞争更多的电网供应. Invest in on-site solar generation – and do it fast.
  2. 迟到的机构将被困在电动汽车(EV)车队的热潮中: 在政府于2030年禁止销售新的汽油和柴油汽车之前,每个人都加入了脱碳车队的竞赛, organisations must act fast. 组织现在应该为电动汽车的过渡制定计划,以确保电网连接,并确保安装足够的充电基础设施.
  3. 加强生物多样性将成为一项法律要求; 生物多样性对组织来说仍然是一个新兴的考虑因素, 但是他们不应该等到遗产级别的生物多样性被写入法律. Organisations can take a wildlife-aware approach now, collect data on site ecology, and explore nature-positive initiatives.
  4. Data will make or break decarbonisation efforts: To remain on track to meet net zero goals, 组织将需要利用数据来制定战略, while demonstrating their progress. 企业应与能源合作伙伴合作收集数据,以提高效率并减少浪费.
  5. 水在脱碳中的重要作用将变得非常清楚: 今年,人们对巨大的水碳足迹的态度将发生重大转变. Whilst water may still be a cheaper utility than energy, 组织必须减少用水量以改变碳排放——从水资源审计开始.
  6. Plastic recycling will become a profitable priority: 2023年,对再生塑料的需求将比以往任何时候都高. 组织需要开始将塑料废物视为有价值的副产品. 这首先要对产生了多少废物获得完全的可视性.
  7. A culture of conscious consumption will take centre stage: 组织应该实施战略,改变人们对整个组织能源使用的看法. 强大的数据澳博官方网站将是帮助实现这一目标的关键组成部分.
  8. Greater clarity will drive decarbonisation confidence: Although the price of energy will continue to rise this year, 现在人们对来年的情况有了更好的了解. 现在是时候让各组织加快脱碳活动了——重点是节约成本——并开始大规模变革.

Collaborating on this insight paper, Dr Steven Fawkes, 能源效率专家和全球净零咨询公司的管理合伙人, EP Group, 他还分享了他对今年推动脱碳议程的观点, and how organisations can prepare.

Mitie能源和脱碳董事总经理Pradyumna Pandit表示:

“Businesses are increasingly under pressure from investors, customers and colleagues to make decarbonisation a priority. This year, 领导团队需要大胆而战略性地思考如何让每个人都参与到实现零排放的过程中来, with support from right across the organisation. Mitie的净零领航员为企业在脱碳道路上提供了进一步的灵感和指导.”

要阅读这篇论文并获得Mitie专家的完整见解,请访问 Mitie Net Zero Navigator. 

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